Contact Paul Urgently: Installation at the Top of a Mountain
My project? Setting up a telephone booth at the top of a mountain, a relay at an altitude of almost 2000 meters to put hikers in contact with Paul. I have climbed this mountain more than forty times, carrying cement and tools to anchor this communications post. We had to anticipate the winter snows which could bury the summit.
As for Paul, his identity remains a mystery. However, who doesn’t have a Paul in their life? I provide instructions on how to contact this enigmatic character and watch as hikers take the line. What if Paul was God? This is a question to ponder. Could this simple act of dialing a number in such an unexpected place be a prayer, a communion, or an act of defiance in the face of the ordinary? You be the judge. Neo Valen
Neo Valen‘s work has always been about pushing boundaries, challenging our perceptions, and engaging in conversation with the unknown. One of these pieces is a vintage telephone installed at a height of 200 meters, meticulously sealed into a rock at the top of a difficult climbing route. This unconventional installation acts as a beacon of mystery for climbers who reach the summit. They find themselves faced with the opportunity to make a call to someone named Paul.