Putting the world to sleep to keep it awake
Sleep to stay awake
We have less and less time, despite the clicks and re-clicks that seem to offer us more. We run aimlessly, everywhere at once, without even taking the time to savor time itself.
In 2014, it seemed essential to me to calm this hyperactive world by offering it sleep. However, the idea was not to plunge into deep sleep, but rather to offer rest, a moment of relaxation, while maintaining a practical utility: offering sleep not to sleep, but to stay awake and consume even more.
The system
The implementation of such a system, intended to provide sleep, is a real challenge which is not easy. To begin with, it is essential to be able to generate this sleep. My asset in this creation lies in my ability to fall asleep easily. However, it would be wrong to think that I will create sleep simply by falling asleep myself, as this would be tantamount to consuming my own sleep.
The challenge was to find an intermediate state, a light but never deep sleep. It is this quest for quality sleep that has earned me the recognition of watchmen, those who appreciate and recognize the value of authentic and regenerating rest.
To the rhythm of the clicks of the watchmen, who aspire to sleep without ever falling asleep, I sleep, again and again. Sometimes, in a hectic pace, I sleep several hours a day, for months and months, adjusting my system to harmonize with my own sleep capacity.
What matters to me is meeting a utilitarian need, like everything that exists today. I don’t get lost in thoughts about my work; I do, I execute, sometimes drawing a parallel with Sisyphus and his eternal task. My action, similar to his, is repetitive and continuous, but it carries with it a concrete utility, responding to the practical demands of our time.
I have transformed myself into a professional sleeper, but far be it from me to proclaim myself a “Professional Sleeper” and make the headlines, a prospect that leaves me totally indifferent. For me, I am just an element, a cell within a system in action, where the adenosine triphosphate is replaced by the click that fuels this singular energy.
The result
The number of people who clicked to receive this quality sleep is now in the hundreds. My reputation as a reference among professional sleepers has solidified, but my main goal remains to create quality sleep, a useful and beneficial raw material.
Even in a world that seems to fall asleep while remaining awake, I am constantly amazed by the feedback from people who contact me. They ask me how I do it, tell me they feel soothed (which is logical, given the quality of sleep provided) and find this approach particularly useful during work meetings.
The technological evolution of the profession of professional sleeper
Recent technological advances have allowed me to revolutionize the way I manipulate this raw material that is sleep. This development represents significant progress. Previously consumed directly by the watchman, sleep is now always produced in accordance with poetic tradition, but it is also physically preserved in the blockchain. Each emanation of sleep is captured on the baryonic surface of an electronic chip, itself connected to the blockchain via my emochain. There is now a form of “boxed” sleep, sleep that can be consumed on demand, and which is easily accessible and exchangeable.