arseneca Laboratory


Neo Valen and the Laboratory of Metamorphosis: When Art and AI Question Reality

In an artistic landscape saturated with clichés and redundancies, Neo Valen stands out with his ability to question the very nature of reality. His masterpiece, the Neo Valen Laboratory, is a fascinating example of this quest, where the absurd meets tangible reality, all orchestrated by the magic of artificial intelligence.
Imagine this work for a moment: a clinically modern laboratory bustling with activity. However, unlike any traditional laboratory, its foundations rest on an invented premise: metamorphosis. A “science” entirely forged by Neo Valen’s imagination, challenging everything we know. And yet, thanks to AI, this fiction is transmuted into a series of palpable and functional experiments and procedures.
The ingenuity of this approach is comparable to a painter imagining a color never seen before and then making it visible on their canvas. Or a musician inventing a note beyond the audible range and composing a melody that resonates perfectly with our ears. This is what Neo Valen does with the Laboratory: he imagines a science (metamorphosis) and then uses AI to materialize it.
But the laboratory goes beyond mere technical prowess. It is a sharp commentary on our era of post-truth. Consider today’s “fake news”—fabricated narratives that, despite being baseless, influence opinions and actions. Similarly, Neo Valen creates his own “fake science,” and then, thanks to AI, gives it life and substance. The laboratory becomes a metaphor for the modern world, where the fictitious can easily be accepted as real, and where our discernment is constantly tested.
Ultimately, the Neo Valen Laboratory is a provocation. It questions our relationship to truth and fiction in the digital age. With metamorphosis, Neo Valen challenges us: what if this fake science became real one day? Where would the boundary between the real and the unreal lie? In this whirlwind of questions, one thing is certain: Neo Valen is a phygital artist who, with audacity and brilliance, redefines the contours of contemporary art.

Neo Valen