Poster campaign for contained anger
I initiated a poster campaign in the middle of a period of confinement, a paradoxical act in itself. The goal? Encourage people to stay home while giving them an outlet to express their anger through me. For me, this approach is like a singular loop: I take the risk of going out into public spaces to encourage others not to do so. Neo Valen
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Neo Valen, the subversive artist, launched an innovative poster campaign to give voice to people confined to their homes. His goal? To allow people to express their anger while staying safe. The posters serve as invitations to participate in an act of remote protest: the anger system.
The Anger System, created by the artist himself, is based on the principle of substitution. Individuals can express their dissatisfaction with a simple click. Once it clicks, Valen throws a stone into the pond, symbolizing the individual’s anger and triggering an act of rebellion. He assumes the responsibility to act physically, thus bearing the pandemic risk, while allowing individuals to express their anger without leaving the comfort and safety of their homes.
Valen‘s poster campaign therefore serves both as an outlet for those who feel powerless in the face of the situation and as a tool for protest. It’s an ingenious and safe way to express your frustrations and fears while circumventing the constraints imposed by the health crisis.